…how to Awaken Undeniable Power and Lead with Purpose in Life and Love, all Whilst having Inner Peace

Join us and discover…

the awakened method is science backed

and psychologically tested

Once applied we find that the guys awaken their inner life force, their own power and begin to live life with real purpose. When this happens they unlock levels to their relationships, wealth and lifestyle that weren’t open to them before going through the process.

top 1%
of men

To have autonomy, a passion for life, to be able to regulate your emotions, your nervous system, and understand your own psychology. To have healed internally, be physically, financially and spiritually fit. To have a strong friendship group of other powerful guys. Is rare.

3X incomes

Implementing our AMP Method into your work & relationship with money

self leadership

Understanding, owning and stepping into your own masculinity. Being able to lead yourself, your people and have an intimate relationship that gives you everything you want and need.


Heroic Man is all about the powerful environment where everyone removes their masks, it’s a no judgement zone, and where others share their current situations and a deep level of connection. Being within an incubator of growth orientated men that have either:

  • Walked the path before you

  • Currently walking the path with you

  • Walking the path just behind you

We find this level of community helps a man grow in not just growing himself but also boosting others growth & development.

what level are you currently at WHEN IT COMES


Most men are in a stage of extended adolescence, where the teenage boy or inner child shows up and acts out in situations that then don’t serve growth. In money, relationships, work, lifestyles.


Your founders

