Episode 5 - How to create the Energy to transform my life.

Energy is THEE most important thing to optimise if you want to become Awakened.

Think about this, if you want to interrupt unhelpful patterns, make the changes you want to make you'll need a heck of a lot of energy.

The problem being that the less energy we have the more we need change, the more we're trying to change the more energy it takes up.

Ben and Pete discuss Energy optimisation in this podcast, testosterone, stress, sleep and a real schooling in energy.

If you want to take the scorecard mentioned in this podcast here is the podcast
For men:

For women:

Thank you for listening.

If you love what we've talked about and want to find out more head on over to www.awakenedman.org


Episode 6 - The Love Podcast


Episode 4 - The 8 Pillars of Meaningful Work