Episode 18 - How to have hard conversations with partners

The Hard Conversations Podcast

We're gonna put it out there, this is probably one of the most powerful podcasts you'll listen to all week.


Because its going to empower you with the scaffolding, systems and skills to have better conversations with your Partner(s)... Yep thats right,

Your spouse, business partner, people your partner with, your customers...ALL require the need for hard conversations from time to time.

If you're on a mission to create a meaningful life, you'll inevitably need to have crucial conversations...and in this podcast we talk about HOW to wade into them...and come out with STRONGER relationships.

This is a great podcast, if you agree... Share it with someone who may benefit from listening to it!

If you love what we've talked about and want to find out more head on over to www.awakenedman.org

If you want the transcription for this conversation click here.


Episode 19 - How we're helping men achieve 'impossible' goals


Episode 17 - What worked and didn't work in our business part 2