Episode 23 - Why Nice Guys Don't Get Paid or Laid With Dr Robert Glover

In this episode we interview Dr Robert Glover who wrote the book "No more Mr Nice Guy" Which is one of the MUST READS for men who want to succeed in their life, work and relationships.

Robert is one of the speakers at the Awakened Man event we're organising on the 28th & 29th of January 2023 and in this podcast we talk about everything from Mens Work to creating in business, parenting and being a conscious man.

This podcast is really really good (Even if we say so ourselves)...It will really help you have an insight into mens work and why you should invest some interest in using mens work to create huge success in your life.

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Are you a man in business and have a partner? Don’t waste another second on trying to please everyone! Watch our 13min training w/Google doc cheat sheet - Watch Here

Check out the website for events & program details: AwakenedMan

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Episode 24 - How to kill the Victim and become the owner


Episode 22 - How to become a grounded confident man