Discover Your Purpose-Driven Greatness with The Awakened Man Project

Are you looking to become a world-class peak performer and entrepreneur? Do you want to achieve extraordinary success in your business and personal life? If so, The Awakened Man Project might be able to help.

One of our favorite concepts is Jim Collins' Hedgehog Concept, which states that all extraordinary businesses have figured out three key things:

  1. What they LOVE to do

  2. What they can be GREAT at

  3. How they will SERVE, meeting a need while creating a strong economic engine

If we want to succeed in business and life, it's important to follow this same formula. Here's an exercise to help you do just that:

  1. Think about what you LOVE to do. This should be something that you would actually PAY to do and that you feel excited to wake up and do every day.

  2. Consider what you can be truly GREAT at. This is not just about being good or competent, but about being world-class in your field.

  3. How will you SERVE and, if you're in business, get paid to do so? What need can you meet and how will you create a strong economic engine?

Where do these three things intersect? That's where you'll find your purpose-driven greatness.

At The Awakened Man Project, we have extensive experience starting and growing 9-figure businesses, as well as coaching leaders at companies like Virgin, Citibank, P&G, and Kelloggs. We have also helped millionaires and professional athletes become peak performers and achieve extraordinary success. If you're ready to take your life and business to the next level, we encourage you to apply by sending us a message.

Warning: Our clients achieve impossible dreams.


The Power of Ordinary Competence


The Importance of Self-Belief: How Backing Yourself Can Lead to Success