Moving on from Toxic Relationships: Why It's Not a Failure

Are you feeling like a failure because a toxic relationship didn't work out? You're not alone. Many men judge themselves harshly in this situation, questioning their worth and ability to navigate relationships. But here's the truth: toxic people rob us of closure, making it impossible to move on easily.

Toxic people want to keep us confused and hooked, which is why closure is often elusive. But leaving these abusive and manipulative dynamics is actually a huge success, whether we initiated the breakup or not. It's what allows us to grieve healthfully and plant our feet back on solid ground.

Grief takes time, but it's necessary to transmute confusion into clarity. Once we realize that leaving a toxic relationship is not a failure, we can start to move on more fully. We gain the clarity to see what toxic looks like and become better choosers of the company we keep.

Staying in emotionally abusive relationships is the only way we can truly fail. It's important to recognize that leaving is a success and a step towards healing. Don't judge yourself harshly for wanting to move on and find healthier relationships.


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