Join Our Pack
Why this group?
Our Mission is to Help Men UnFuck Themselves, Stay Mentally Healthy, and Lead Heroic Lives.
As men we have been sold the myth of the solitary hero on horseback who rode out and conquered the wilderness.
The truth is that the story of the lone ranger was just that a story.
Life as part of a company was the way of our ancestors.
After all communities built nations.
Tragically being part of the pack is far from the way of men today.
The majority of men today have no meaningful connection to other men.
We have no band of brothers.
We don't belong to a people.
Heck - we don't belong anywhere.
Instead most of us live lonely, rootless, untethered lives.
Surveys confirm it.
Science confirms it.
The male Suicide rate confirms it.
Unfortunately as most of us have lost meaningful connections to other men, we have also lost the good they once brought into our lives.
They made us better men.
They were our pack.
And as in nature, the pack fixes things.
The pack brought us into line.
We were better in the pack.
Even when corrections sometimes drew blood.
We worked harder at EVERYTHING, because of the pack.
Heck, we did more pushups because of the pack.
We didn't hog the ball.
When we fucked up.
The pack would notice.
They would say something.
So we learned.
We got better.
Unfortunately the average guy today has none of this in his life.
He has NO men around him.
He has no pack.
There is no one pushing us to be BETTER.
No one nipping at us when we are our of line.
No one that drives us to be the most Heroic Version of ourselves.
No one that pushes us to live with EXCELLENCE.
No one that sees us for what we are, and for what we can be, and won't shut up until we get on with the improving.
And our need for a pack for a band of brothers, is most urgent when we as men glimpse our true MANHOOD.
The moment when we begin realising what we were meant to be.
When we begin understanding that we allowed ourselves to be defined by our lusts, our wounds, and our loneliness.
We need our band of brothers when we start to grieve this.
When we start to grieve our distance from God and from the man we are called to be.
And as we come to a new vision of manhood, we have to realise that we cannot achieve it on our own.
We need man around us to help us.
We need the eyes of others on us.
We need a team.
A pack.
All committed to the noble project of helping us AWAKEN to the best most heroic version of ourselves.
We need other men in our lives to be the men we are called to be.
And this is what this group is about.
To help you form a band of brothers.
Who will help you to unfuck yourself. Stay Mentally healthy, anti-fragile, and be the most Heroic version of you possible.