The Importance of Addressing Your Relationship with Money for True Awakening

At The Awakened Man Project, we believe that true awakening involves addressing all aspects of a man's life, including his relationship with money. While we've focused on energy, work, and love in the past, we recognize that money sits underneath all three. Many men struggle with money, whether it's making it, keeping hold of it, or managing it effectively.

Through our own journey and listening to men's struggles and challenges with money, we've identified several common issues. Men struggle to be open and honest about money, they want the outcome of having money but don't commit to the process required to achieve it, they may live beyond their means, push their money success out into the future, not know how to prospect and sell, and may not prioritize money-making in their lives.

To help men overcome these challenges and develop a healthier relationship with money, The Awakened Man Project offers support and guidance. In our latest podcast, we delve into these issues and share personal stories of transforming our relationships with money. We don't judge or shame - instead, we offer solutions and steps towards a healthier financial future.

At The Awakened Man Project, we believe that true awakening involves addressing all areas of our lives, including our relationship with money. By developing a healthy relationship with money, men can unlock their full potential and create a life of purpose and passion. Join us on this journey towards awakening by listening to our podcast and writing MONEY in the comments below to access it.


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