MEN & MONEY: The Awakened Man Project's Take

Over the last two years, The Awakened Man Project has been working with men on topics such as Energy, Work, and Love. However, there is an underlying issue that tends to affect men in all three of these areas, and that is money.

Money is something that many men struggle with, not necessarily in terms of making it, but in keeping hold of it. Poor structures and stories surrounding money often lead men to acquire it and then watch it disappear, flowing out of their bank accounts or into risky investments, spent on weekend binges, or lost to a failing business venture.

From our experience working with men, here are some observations on why men struggle with money:

Men struggle with being open and honest about money. They often carry a lot of secrecy around their finances, along with poor behaviors, habits, and wounds around how they've treated money. Many men are embarrassed and won't seek help, resorting to excessive spending, risky investments, or gambling, which can lead to a lack of clarity around their finances and desperation around money.

Men want the outcome of having money but don't track or commit to the process. They desire more money, but they don't know how to manage the process, similar to wanting a lean body without knowing how to manage their weight loss journey.

Men don't know their NUT (Necessary Monthly Income) or live beyond their means. They often bankroll a life that doesn't fulfill them, buying things and trinkets of "wealth" that starve their businesses of cash flow. The lack of clarity around their finances can lead to desperation and stress around money.

Men push money success out into the future, telling themselves that doing what they're doing now will suddenly change, and the money will start rolling in. However, the lack of action can prevent this from happening.

Men don't know how to prospect and sell their services. They don't understand sales and put the price of their goods or services too low, leading to the only way to make money is to be super busy or live in scarcity.

Men don't prioritize money-making activities. Money-making is often last on their to-do list, and they don't look forward to it or schedule it regularly.

If you're a man struggling with money, it's important to understand which of these issues you're facing and how to address them. The Awakened Man Project's podcast discusses these issues openly and provides strategies for changing your relationship with money. To listen in, simply write MONEY and we'll send you the podcast.

In conclusion, money can be a difficult topic for men to face, but it's essential to address to live an awakened life. By acknowledging and addressing the underlying issues surrounding money, men can transform their relationship with it and live more fulfilling lives.


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