Understanding the Difference Between the Nice Guy and the Good Guy
At The Awakened Man Project, we often hear from men who have mistaken being a "nice guy" for being a "good guy." But, as we will explain, these two archetypes have nothing in common. In fact, the "nice guy" is often the opposite of a "good guy."
The "nice guy" is needy. He panders, lies, and deceives to achieve his goals, often in the hopes of sexual conquest. He is willing to do whatever a woman requests in order to get what he wants. He is powerless, lacking backbone and self-respect.
On the other hand, the "good guy" is his own man. He has clarified his values and lives by them. He takes action on his goals and has standards. If a woman doesn't live up to them, he has no problem having the tough conversations with her. Women sense this, they see him as a challenge and are constantly trying to be better to make sure they are enough for their man. They are not trying to fix him, they are trying to be their best selves for him.
It is important to note that being a "good guy" does not mean being a pushover or lacking assertiveness. A good guy is someone who is confident in himself and his values, and is not afraid to stand up for himself and others. He does not compromise his integrity for the sake of being liked or pleasing others.
At The Awakened Man Project, we help men understand the difference between being a "nice guy" and a "good guy" and guide them to become the latter. We teach men how to clarify their values, set and achieve goals, develop assertiveness and become a challenge for women, rather than being a pushover. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth to become the best version of yourself.