Chasing Your Dreams: How The Awakened Man Project Can Help You Become a Lion Chaser

At The Awakened Man Project, we believe that true power and effectiveness in life comes from chasing your dreams and not being afraid of taking risks. The story of Benaiah chasing a lion down into a pit and catching and killing it, despite the snowy and slippery conditions, is a powerful reminder of what it means to be a Lion Chaser. Benaiah's gutsy reaction to the unexpected encounter is a reminder that the greatest regret at the end of our lives will be the lions we didn't chase.

Being a Lion Chaser means not being afraid of taking on seemingly impossible odds, it's about challenging the status quo and not playing it safe. As men, it's easy to fall into the trap of playing defense instead of offense, and living out of memory instead of imagination. But living a heroic life means choosing to be gutsy and daring to be different.

At The Awakened Man Project, we understand that the journey to living a heroic life can be challenging, that's why we offer a comprehensive coaching program that is tailored to help you on your journey. Our program includes guidance on mastering yourself, setting God-sized goals, pursuing passions, and taking risks.

One of the dangers we face as men is that at some point in our hero's journey, we stop playing offense and start playing defense. We stop living out of imagination and start living out of memory. We stop creating the future and start repeating the past.

But the Awakened Man Project is here to remind you that the greatest regret at the end of your life will be the lions you didn't chase.

Maybe it's time to pursue your primal calling. Maybe it's time to get back on offense and resurrect the God-ordained dreams that have died inside of you. Let us help you on your journey to becoming a Lion Chaser.

Join The Awakened Man Project today and take the first step towards chasing your dreams and living a heroic life.


Embrace the Flow of Life: The Power of Being in Tune with the Universe


Finding Your Purpose: How The Awakened Man Project Can Help You Turn it Over to God