Finding Your Purpose: How The Awakened Man Project Can Help You Turn it Over to God

At The Awakened Man Project, we believe that finding your purpose and fulfilling it requires you to turn it over to God. Gandhi, during his fight for India's independence, came to understand that true power and effectiveness in the world comes from reducing oneself to zero and letting God do the work.

This concept of "reducing yourself to zero" is not an easy task and requires extraordinary discipline. Many people miss the fact that letting go of the egoic, small self requires first having a grasp on it. It's only when we master ourselves, close the gap between who we are currently being and who we are meant to be, that we are in a position to transcend ourselves and turn it all over to God.

This is when we are finally able to create what Gandhi called “Soul Force” that becomes irresistible. At The Awakened Man Project, we understand that the journey to finding your purpose and fulfilling it can be challenging and that's why we offer a comprehensive coaching program that is tailored to help you on your journey.

Our program includes guidance on mastering yourself, closing the gap between who you are and who you are meant to be, and ultimately turning it all over to God. Join The Awakened Man Project and take the first step towards finding your purpose and fulfilling it with the help of God.


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