Channeling your Greatest Gift
The Awakened Man knows there’s no better time to live authentically than right now.
He absolutely doesn’t wait for his finances to be more secure,
for his children to move out,
or for his woman to change—
He is willing to do what’s necessary to give his fullest gift in every moment.
Because men who live significant lives don’t wait.
As a man, you have a unique gift to share.
But you will never be able to fulfil your greatest potential if you are not willing to try.
And how do you fulfil your greatest potential?
It starts by being willing to embrace and embody your true, masculine self.
So you can channel your energy into giving your greatest gift, today.
Here's the thing:
When we engage halfheartedly,
this way of being leads to conflict and dissatisfaction—
We feel incomplete when we settle for “enough” rather than pushing for the limit of what we can achieve.
The Awakened Man approaches all situations in the same way:
and wholeheartedly.
This is how he achieves superior results in all that he does.
Most of us, we go through life and we give just enough.
With our woman,
our families,
our careers,
and our businesses.
What if instead of giving your woman just enough that she achieves orgasm,
you instead gave her everything you’ve got?
What if you approached your business and your life in the same way?
The Awakened Man embraces his desires to discover his deepest truths.
He enjoys the full extent of freedom and love.
And he strives to give his fullest gifts in service to those he has been called to serve.
Here's what most man don't get about positive masculinity.
The masculine core is rooted in openness and confidence.
To be yourself wholeheartedly,
you must learn to face your pain and fear without retreating.
And how do you do that?
It starts with a commitment to STOP CLOSING OFF YOUR HEART TO PAIN.
Because Closing off is an unskilled reaction to pain—
It blinds us to the subtle cues and nuances of a situation,
and it prevents us from acting with our fullest intelligence.
As a Acceptance and Commitment therapist and coach, I help my clients see that that pain is an aspect of living.
The Awakened Man doesn’t allow pain to impede his growth.
He stays open to ensure he can respond with wisdom,
and love,
instead of fear and defensiveness.
The next time that you find it difficult to maintain eye contact, when your breathing changes and you hold tension in your chest and solar plexus, then do this:
Stand straight and breathe deep into your belly.
Open the front of your body,
make unguarded eye contact,
and feel your pain and the other person with your whole body.
Accept and Face Your Fears
When we are unaware of our fears.
When we hide our fears.
We show up as being untrustworthy.
And other people see that we are untrustworthy.
Others can see his fear and his unwillingness to acknowledge it, and they know a man who lies to himself is likely to lie to them too.
The Awakened Man is trustworthy and inspirational because he knows what he fears and leans into it,
sharing his gift anyway.
As a Awakened Man your freedom comes from acknowledging, sharing, and facing your fear—
being with what is, and remaining open.
Here's the thing about us as men:
All of us are afraid.
Some of us try to escape our fear,
never realizing our full capacity.
Some men dive into their fear,
nut in doing so, they become too tense and off-balance to appreciate the moment.
To be a Awakened Man your goal at all times should be to remain fully open and aware—
Your commitment is to live kissing your fears, not pulling away or aggressively pushing into them.
As men, our capacity to grow is limited by our ability to face “death,” in the form of fear.
For the mature man, our masculine strength lies in the ability to face that death with humility and courage;
to embody our fullest consciousness and share our greatest love.
And in order to do that, we must face many “deaths.”
And how do you do that?
Start by speaking your fear and describe your limit aloud;
Be honest and acknowledge the fears that lead you to the choices you make.
Would you be living the way you do if you were fearless?
Are you giving your fullest gift,
or are you afraid of how your life would change if you did?
Open yourself to the feelings of fear and uncertainty, and proceed regardless.
Just remember:
Your woman wants to see you face your fear—of her anger and tension,
of losing your safety and security,
and of your own death.
She wants your fullest, most powerful self.
This is the masculine core to which she is most attracted.
Release Your Inhibitions:
Now as you learn to face your external fears,
don’t neglect your internal fears.
Shame as Brene Brown tells us:
Shame holds us back;
Which is why we need to discard it.
Let Go of Your Father’s Expectations
I see way too many men who cling to their fathers expectations.
And this just limits you.
It burdens us with feelings of fear and unworthiness.
To be a free man, you must love your father while allowing yourself to be free of his criticisms and expectations.
Because the Awakened Man prioritizes his own purpose;
he does not allow the expectations of others to sway him from his path.
Here's a exercise that i get my clients to do:
What would happen if you lived your life the way you would if your father had died.
Once a day for three days, pursue an activity your father’s influence led you to suppress or avoid.
Don’t judge yourself based on his expectations.
Embrace Your Sexual Desires:
As men we have been taught to push away our darker desires.
But here's the problem with living like that.
When we push those dark, shadowy desires away,
they become an undercurrent of our psyche,
and we lose the ability to fulfill them in conscious, loving ways.
The Awakened Man understands that sexual desire is the root of his bodily energy.
He owns his desires,
no matter how dark they are,
and takes responsibility for fulfilling them lovingly.
As a species, our natural desire is to ravish—
to break through the resistance of our woman and to open her body and heart to ecstatic loving.
We derive pleasure from releasing her from everything that blocks her ability to surrender fully to our love;
from “taking” and filling her, body and soul.
When we as men suppress our desire to ravish,
we settle for pornographic fantasies of rape and violence.
Reclaim this desire properly, and you reclaim your ability to ravish with love.
The next time you make love, focus on what your woman is feeling, how she’s breathing and moving.
Give up your ego and fully embrace your love for her;
release your inhibitions and, from the heart of love, allow yourself to be whatever you want with her.
Give her space, occasionally, to let her own desires take you places you’d never have gone otherwise. Yield to the worship of her heart, trust your combined one-ness, and let go of your “self.”
If you are ready to play for all it's worth, we are committed to helping you succeed.
Pm me or Benjamin Owen to learn more about the THE WAY OF THE AWAKENED MAN coaching program.
Over the next 300 days we are committed to helping men:
1. Identify what real, tangible in-your-gut-meaningful success is for you
2. Achieve your IMPOSSIBLE goals.
3. Live a fully experienced life as if every day was your last.
4. Show up fully as a husband, partner, father, friend, and in your work.
5. Actively make a lasting difference in your world.